protected final String id;
protected final LayerType type;
protected LayerProperties properties;
Dluid use layer
for saving some parameter to dl4j layer. And it also has the type of itself. Layer id
is unique value in Dluid. By this value, dluid can search layer.
Layer properties
public class LayerProperties {
// common properties
private int[] inputSize;
private int[] outputSize;
private Dimension inputDimension;
private Dimension outputDimension;
private BiasInitializer biasInitializer;
private WeightInitializer weightInitializer;
private ActivationWrapper activationFunction;
private double dropout;
// for convolution type
private int[] kernelSize;
private int[] strideSize;
private int[] paddingSize;
// for output type
private LossFunctionWrapper lossFunction;
// for pooling layer
private PoolingTypeWrapper poolingType;
Dluid save parameters for dl4j in one class without distinction. That is LayerProperties